Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Some New Stuff

The top illustration is for the cover of Inland Empire Weekly. The featured article reports that in areas of California the military is conducting routine DUI checkpoints, which is illegal. According to of Posse Comitatus the military isn't supposed to be used to enforce the law domestically except for under martial law.

Here's a small portrait for BusinessWeek.

And lastly, I was interviewed by alongside artists, Nathan Kanne and Chanae Owens in regards to the "Cost of Living" show at Gallery 5 (opens this Friday). Our interviewer, Tim Bowring asks us questions about the show, the economy and what it means to be an artist in these strange times. The radio show airs Friday, March 6th at 12:30 pm on WRIR 97.3 (Richmond's local independent radio station)

Also, here's an illustration for Beer Advocate Magazine. It's of Bill Brand, a late, great beer journalist.