Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Neighbors movie animation sample

Here's a video from the movie Neighbors that explains the animation process that I was involved in. If you're impatient you can skip to the 4 min mark to watch the final product. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bay Area Shopping

Here's a map (sort of) of the San Francisco Bay Area for Lolo Cards. The emphasis was mostly on Marin County and the East Bay since that's where Lolo is initially being launched as gift cards for locally/independently owned businesses. Check out their site

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Martin Heidegger

Hey everybody, here's a new one of Martin Heidegger, the German existentialist, for the magazine Hohe Luft. Thanks AD's Maja and Gabriele for this fun job!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hey all, the movie, Neighbors, that I was working on earlier in the year is almost done but the film makers need a little more loot to finish it up. They started a kickstarter campaign, and if you pledge you can get drawings/prints done by me! Check it out!