So, I really like Outkast, therefore I was thrilled when Time Out: Chicago contacted me to do a full page illustration of Big Boi for the upcoming Pitchfork Festival. In the tradition of hip hop stars Big Boi is quite polyonymous, and that's what Time Out wanted to see. His aliases are Sir Lucious Left Foot, Daddy Fat Stacks, Hot Tub Tony, Billy Ocean, and Francis the Savannah Chittlin' Pimp. I had a lot of fun with this one. Hopefully some more hip hop jobs are on the way.

In addition Time Out wanted me to do a quarter page illo about a previous Pitchfork festival incident. Yoko Ono performed in 2007 and was being somewhat difficult in the rehearsal. A dust storm formed in the adjacent baseball field and the Pitchfork team had to soak the field with bottles of water so she would perform.
Check back soon. Hopefully I'll be able to post something related to the long-term project that I've been working on. Thanks!